Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Here’s what’s in this newsletter:
A thought I’m processing on restoration
What you’re processing
Some link love
A full recap & links to this month’s posts
A thought I’m processing [on restoration]
This isn’t groundbreaking to read, I’m sure. But it is groundbreaking to realize.
Restoration is real. And true. And possible in this life.
I taught on Naomi from the book of Ruth in church on Sunday (you can listen here), and as I was preparing I just kept getting sort of breathless at how different my life is today than it once was; at how grace finds a way into everything. No death or darkness is safe from resurrection and newness.
May hope find you today. May restoration catch you off guard and wreck you in the best possible way.
What you are all processing
LEARNING. Learning about tools and coping methods and managing behaviors.
Pro-tip: I know the person who wrote this and she is one of the wisest most amazing people I know, so you should listen to what she is processing and probably spend some time thinking about how this looks in your own life.
Rejection. And how to allow that to determine personal worth.
Rejection is so painful. We weren’t built for it. And people aren’t often good appraisers of the creations of God.
My DMX and reconstruction due to breast cancer.
🙏 ❤️
Forgiveness is by its nature a practice in repetition
Forgiveness is soooooooooooo complicated
That Christians feel like they can’t dislike people. I think they can.
There are so many black-and-white rules for Christians in a very gray (grey?) world.
Finding life giving voices to listen to
Where is God in this? What can I be grateful for?
Great questions. Hard questions.
I can’t rescue everyone from unhealthy churches, some don’t even want to be rescued.
Painful reality.
Communal therapy
Bring it on.
Really small habit makes you feel good if you do it everyday.
Which habit????
Some links I’m loving
A washi tape bookmark I want to make
Some lists to try (I haven’t tried these yet)
A doodle that inspired me to do the same
The Mood Pyramid - but I want to know what you would put on yours??
A song I’m trying not to ruin by playing too much
What you missed in January
Below are some links to what I’ve shared this month! (Please note that some of my messier thoughts and musings are behind a paywall. You can read more about why I do that here, and feel free to upgrade your subscription to access them.)
Happy New Year - reflection tools and links in the last newsletter
Cultivate a sense of self - (or one thing that worked REALLY well for me in 2022)
A story of Rory - 😍
🎧 1.13 - Understanding coercive control - a podcast-ish thing episode
🎧 1.14 - Leveraging the sovereignty of God to create cultures of abuse - another podcast-ish thing 😬